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The donations flow for an intentionally grabbed cat

The cat was severely injured in the jaw.

© Photo taken from Facebook

CRUELTY. A cat, allegedly intentionally caught by a taxi this weekend in Saint-Jérôme, aroused the sympathy of several people. Led by Katty Brisson, the fundraising campaign had raised close to $ 10,000 on Monday morning, when the target was $ 5,000. This amount, which was raised in part on the GoFundMe site, will be used to pay the veterinarian's costs, which could amount to approximately $ 4,500, including to repair the jaw of the animal.

"We are very surprised by the response of the people and overwhelmed by the breadth of this news. There were several sharing of information on social networks and a video was made. It spread like wildfire. Everyone has mobilized because it is a free gesture, "said Ms. Brisson of the organization Save two lives, adopt a hairy.

This one was called by a woman who saw the accident on the night of Friday to Saturday in order to take charge of the feline which was renamed Jerome. According to this witness, a taxi driver who was traveling on Sainte-Marguerite Street between Saint-Georges and Fournier streets in the downtown area deliberately darkened on the poor animal.

"I can not understand why a person is doing this. If you do not like animals, it's okay, but that's not a reason to kill them, "said Ms. Brisson. "The worst animal is the human," she added.

The animal warden seeks to contact a man who witnessed the accident. "This man would have said that an event like this is not new, that it often happened."

The cat in adoption

The owner of the animal originally named Gribouille was found. However, meanwhile, she has adopted another cat and claims that she can not have a second feline in her.

Jérôme, who will remain for some time with the veterinarian, will therefore be given for adoption. The new owner will have to be patient since the convalescence may be long for this cat who will have to feed by a gastric tube for a few weeks.

Let's hope that with the support he has received from the population, the cat will not have too much trouble finding a new master!



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