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The oldest cat and dog of the Québec honored

Photo : Radio-Canada

The veterinary doctors Association of the Quebec (AMVQ) rewarded, on Friday, the oldest cat and dog of the province: Hortense and Cachou .

At the 21 years age, Hortense the scottish fold gained it in the category of cat-like, while the title of oldest canine returned to Cachou, a 17 years Yorkshire terrier. During the awards ceremony., the puppy sauntered in its tuxedo.

The president of the AMVQ, Valerie Trudel, specified that it may be that the winners are not really oldest of the province, but they are at the very least those having the worthiest ages which could be identified.

« There are older dogs probably in population, but our criteria were very specific, she explained. We wanted that the dogs go to a veterinarian since in another way, we do not know how old they are. »

If Hortense was a human being, she would be about 120 years old, she illustrated, adding that Cachou would be, shone, aged about 100 years.

The mistress of the female cat laureate, Suzanne Janlin, said that her animal is blind, but that in another way, he is in form. Hortense is so always capable of jumping to go to settle on the bed, she specified.

« She well lived and does not become more complicated life», she said regarding Hortense, a tabby cat provided with ears folded up,which are a signature of this breed of feline.

Courtoisie: Association des médecins vétérinaires du Québec/Josée Bibeau

Cachou seemed rather impassive in spite of all activity which encircled him. Hortense is as for her stayed sat quietly while her owner answered the questions of The Canadian Press.

The mistress of the dog Cachou, Josée Bibeau , moreover told she felt emotions shared as for the fact that her companion receivessuch differentiation.

« It is moving because it is a recall which he has more than years behind him than in front of», she threw.

AMVQ also revealed the results of an opinion poll showing that about 15 % cats of the Quebec are more than 12 years old. The medium age of the felidaes of the Quebec is of six years and seven months.



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