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The best puppy potty training tips and tricks

puppy potty training tips and tricks

puppy potty training tips and tricks:

The puppies are adorable, but the damage they can do when they are not housebroken are anything but cute. Using an effective burglary method, you can reduce and eliminate your puppy's accidents and avoid mess on the floor and carpets.


Set your puppy for success. The puppies have a small bladder and have not learned to "hold." Make sure you take your puppy outdoors often to give him the opportunity to go pot in the appropriate area. When you go out, use a verbal signal like "Let's go pot!" Or something simple, that your puppy can learn to associate with the need to go outside. Once you're out there, do not rush Do not stroke or play with your puppy, which could distract him.Instead, just wait quietly to see if it shows any signs of pot going.

Whenever your puppy does his "business" in the right area, he praises it abundantly. Positive reinforcement is much more effective than punishment. Soon, your puppy will associate your pleasure, the enthusiastic reaction with pot goes to the right place. Because he wants to please you, he will soon learn that this is a good way to win praise.

When you are not at home, keep the puppy crated or confined to a restricted area. This reduces the risk of accidents, since dogs do not like the soil of their sleeping area. If an accident occurs, it is confined to a smaller area, rather than a carpet or other convenient location.

Feed your puppy on a regular schedule. By respecting the designated feeding times and eliminating any unwanted food after the puppy has had enough time to eat, help you get it on a regular elimination schedule. Soon you will learn to recognize your puppy's schedule so that you can take it out at appropriate times.

Be aware of the difference between a true accident and an incident of "submissive urination." Many puppies, especially those with a submissive nature, will "leak" when they are nervous or excited. They are not able to control this, so do not get upset and make a big deal of it or punish the puppy. Most puppies are growing this problem by the time they are six months old.

Tips and Warnings

Learn the body language of your puppy. In addition to taking it out regularly, note if it shows signs of having to "go" like walking in circles or looking for a place. As soon as you observe this behavior, take the puppy out to the place of a good elimination.

Never punish a puppy for a potty accident by pushing his nose into the mess and reprimanding or whipping. The puppy will not understand what you are upset about. Instead, he will be confused and will learn to be afraid of you. Focus on positive reinforcement, not severe punishment.



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